Eat like your immunity depends on it..Needless to say, taking care of yourselves during this COVID crisis, is incredibly important. I know a lot of people will be under increased stress due to reduced working hours (oh yes the irony!) reduced income, juggling small children, caring for sick loved ones and trying to work from home etc.
On a personal note, 4 weeks before our second daughter was born, September 11 brought the airline industry to its knees and with it my husband's job. It was a tough time for many, with a lot of companies and therefore lively hoods affected. The point is, as tough as it was, the support of friends and family and a decent dose of self care saw us through. Sleep and stress management were a daily priority. ...and yes my husband is back in the airline industry. Oops! Sleep - is vital for immunity so try to get 8 hours a night and if you are having trouble sleeping, set up good sleep hygiene and perhaps take some magnesium. Stress management - the stress hormone cortisol decreases immunity and messes with hormones in general. To help decrease stress
Vegetarian? No problem. Just replace the chicken with 1 cup of dried, soaked lentil/ legume soup mix or 3 cans of choice.This soup is also packed with Antimicrobials - thyme, onion, garlic and leek. Antimicrobials help defend your body against invading pathogens, so eat plenty of these... This soup is full of fibre, both soluble and insoluble which provide nutrition for your good gut bugs. There are also a few standout nutrients required for immunity and these include Vitamin A, C, D and Zinc.
As a nutritionist, I do not usually recommend supplements as the first line in immunity. I think food is always the best source of nutrients. However for anyone who is looking for a fast track route right now, immune-compromised or is in close contact with people who may be sick, I think now is as good a time as any to take supplements for immunity and ANY health condition you've been putting on the back burner. Immune supplements include the following Vitamin A and C - fresh fruit and vegetables, canned tomatoes etc Vitamin D - especially if you know you are deficient Zinc - especially if you know you are deficient - (general low immunity - you often pick up colds, poor skin health, slow wound healing) Bioflavinoids - anti-oxidants & anti-inflammatory compounds (fresh fruit and veegtables) Probiotics - specific to immunity Iron - especially if you know you are deficient Additionally there are some lovely immune complex supplements containing
Stay happy and healthy. Lou :)
April 2021